Here is some good news for all AM ops from Larry Szendrei, NE1S:

Yep, Bruce & I went down together Thursday nite so we could 
be at ARRL HQ bright and early Friday morning for the festivities. 
I have to tell you everyone at the League was most hospitable 
and bent over backwards to help us and make us feel welcome. 
Ed Hare, W1RFI personally took about 18 of us to lunch on 
Friday (on his own tab, not the Leagues, even!). Most of us
got a chance to operate the "new" AM station. We were on 
75M and 40M. Bruce and I got home to Maine about midnite 
last nite, but I guess Larry (the OTHER Larry, W9AMR), 
Jeff (KA9TOC), and the OTHER Jeff (AA9CJ) were
still in town this morning and did some more operating.

Had a great time; sure glad we went. It's a memory I'll cherish forever.


john wrote:

> Too cool!

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