Is your safety ground actually grounded (with a ground rod) at the main box, and therein also securely bonded to the neutral lead of the incoming utility power? with a #4 wire or better?

This keeps the lightning voltage which is coming in from from the ground, at or near the same potential as your neutral lead, thereby minimizing the voltage between GND and NEUT during a lightning strike.

The REC's protector, is it something sold commercially? Sounds interesting.


Date: Tue, 13 Jul 2004 18:18:49 -0500
From: "Sara & Wayne Steiner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [AMRadio] Somewhat Off topic - lightning protection

My semi rural home has all wiring , power, telephone and cable all under ground. Over the years there have been several been several cases where I have sustained damage caused by lighting strikes in the area. None at the house. I purchased a surge protector from the rural elec co-op which is guraranteed to work. The last strike about 1200 ft away put a crater in the ground and took out the surge protector which was furnished by the rural electric co-op. They replaced the protector at no cost. I had no damage.

Before the REC protector, one of my cases of damage was the refrigerator wiring harness. It was toast!. The high potential seemed to come in through the safety ground! Didn't trip the breaker! I have no explanation. The potential created by a lighting strike induced into under ground wiring is huge! Check with with your elec company for their surge protectors, at least they may guaranty their product as mine does.

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