Yes, but there are practical issues. This is certainly not a speedy method. Changing tubes out of a working rig puts a good tube in jeopardy of a mis-handling accident. How are results interpreted for a single tube changed into a push-pull final? You have to keep a different transmitter around for each tube type that you want to test (hmmmm, maybe this is an advantage, not a disadvantage....). Etc. Etc.

I once built up a panel with meters, and variable bias supply and plate supplies, to simulate actual operation. The problem is measuring the peak emission capability of a tube. I have seen tubes that seemed to have plenty of emission at normal voltages go belly-up on modulation peaks.

When I test tubes that have been sitting for a long time, I go through the standard burn-in process with periods of filament-only, filament with reduced grid drive, filament with full grid drive plus reduced plate voltage, and finally full filament, grid and plate voltage. Once I have determined that the tube appears to be reasonably good, I run the plate voltage and grid drive so that the tube operates at about 95% of its rated plate dissipation for about 4 hours, then observe the tube again. I usually do this with the test panel, not in a transmitter. I have seen apparently soft tubes test normal after the 4-hour burn.

I'd say it is best to check each tube using several different methods to see every possible aspect of the tube, and then you have a fairly good idea of its condition. There is no magic test to plug a tube in and instantly get a "good", "fair" or "poor" evaluation for sure. I have seen tubes that tested extremely high, but went completely soft after only a few hours of operation.

I also have one 833A with a bright shiney spot burnt on the plate, and the glass envelope is actually sucked in over that spot. Obviously someone let it run at extreme overload for a substantial length of time. The glass has a silvery-smokey appearance on the inside of the envelope. Yet that tube operates just as well as any of the best, well cared for ones in my collection.

And yes, I have lost tubes due mishandling. However, it is still a good idea to "rotate spares" occasionally to keep t h e tubes from gassing up, so you always run that risk. I just try to be extra careful when handling tubes, including removing them from the sockets and removing grid and plate caps. It is very easy to break a tube at the grid or plate cap if you stress it too much.

Ideally, you would need a pulsed power supply and oscilloscope or some kind of accurate peak reading instrument, so you could operate a tube at its maximum rated voltage times current without exceeding plate dissipation and burning it up. It would then be simple a matter of comparing the observed plate voltage/plate current/grid voltage curves with the charts in the manufacturer's published specs.

I run pushpull triodes in my rig. To test one tube, I use a "neutralising dummy" in the other socket. It consists of a defunct tube on which I have cut off one of the filament pins. I insert it in the socket opposite the one I want to test. I have found that you have to back off the loading of the transmitter. Otherwise one good tube tries to run the full plate current of a pair of good tubes. I back off the loading until the plate current registers one half the rated plate current. That way, I can run the tube in the final (final running at half power), and check the envelope and trapezoid patterns on the scope, and be sure that I am really checking the tube in question, without the influence of its mate.

Of course, the same problem exists with a parallel tube amplifier. The idea is to make the amplifier work with just the one tube you want to test at its normal parameters.

If you don't have a defunct tube to use as a neutralising dummy, just disconnect one of the filament leads to the socket and use a good tube as the dummy. Just make sure the filament by-pass caps stay in place so the rf circuitry is unaffected.

I try to keep a log of each tube, and match them as closely as possible in the final. I use a Staedtler Lumocolor black permanent ink overhead projector marker to write a number on the tube for positive identification later. I usually mark the number on a plate or grid cap or base of the tube in addition to the glass envelope just to make sure it doesn't rub off, but I have tubes with still legible markings that I marked over 15 years ago. The heat doesn't seem to affect the permanent ink of that brand of marker.

Most of the tubes I keep around and most concerned with testing are the same ones I use in my various transmitters, so the availability of a test unit is not a problem.


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