
However, if you intend to employ significant audio clipping as a means
of peak control and loudness enhancement, the low freq response should
ideally extend well below that to better accommodate the flat topped
waveforms without substantial elevation of their peak level caused by
the tilt.  
But again, this is only ham radio and your rule of thumb is a great
one.  If everyone's rig passed that test we'd be talking about something

Donald Chester wrote:
> >By 'tilt' I mean the observable tilting of the top and bottom of a
> >square wave (or resulting modulated envelope) caused by low frequency
> >roll off and non constant group delay through the transmitter in
> >question.
> That's why the transmitter frequency response, including transformers,
> should be essentially flat at least one octave above and one octave below
> the actual range of frequencies you plan to transmit.
> For example, if you intended to limit your audio response to 150-4000~, the
> audio chain should test flat from 75 to 8000~.
> Don k4kyv

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