The original date for Dayton was the 3rd weekend in April. It might have been snowed on and was often unseasonably cold, but it hardly ever got rained out. I remember in the mid 70's one of their brochures promoting the hamfest made it a point to claim that in 22 years, it had been rained out only twice.

Then some genius decided to move the event to one week later, the last weekend in April. Almost every year after that, it got rained out. I think in was something like five rainouts in seven years. I attended several years in a row in the midst of rain, and each time the locals said that the week before the weather had been dry, and would have been a good weekend for the hamfest.

Finally, they moved it to mid-May. The weather has been wamer, but it still seems to get rained out more often than at the old date of the 3rd weekend in April.


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