My two cents is that no traps I have ever used held up long
(days/weeks) under any sort of AM, except the butternut antenna, which does
not use real traps, but some other crazy setup.

All the trap dipole stuff crapped out even under DX100 power eventually,
and forget about 300 watts (carrier) and up.

I made a nice fire in my heathkit 2kw antenna tuner when I tried to use
the balun inside it.

I do dipoles cut to length, or with loading coils, no tuner now.
The butternut makes a good dummy load, might work well for DX, but
I don't work DX, and locally, I think the cantenna gets out better.

Open wire line is great and easy/cheap to make, but getting it inside
the house without a load of RF around, and into a good balanced tuner
is a pain, and then you have to tune it to change bands.

A sturdy resonant dipole fed with good coax is very robust and trouble free.
My 80 meter dipole was up 10 years before a (small) B+W coil stock loading
coil broke.

When I lived with my parents, I had a radio shack 36 foot mast on their
going to a tree out front, and another mast in the back yard.
Storm tore the chimney off the house and bent the mast in the back yard
over 90 degrees!
Dad was pissed but homeowners covered it.


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Byron Lichtenwalner
Sent: Tuesday, December 14, 2004 11:54 AM
To: Discussion of AM Radio
Subject: Re: [AMRadio] Antenna Tuner Wonderings

Sounds like your on the right track with the trapped dipole.
Another choice might be to use a random length wire and good ground with any
of the many automatic ant. tuners designed to end feed long  wires.  Used
one in a mobile installation with a 17 ft whip with reasonable success.
Byron, W3WKR
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Merz Donald S" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, December 14, 2004 11:39 AM
Subject: RE: [AMRadio] Antenna Tuner Wonderings

The antenna inventory at ARS N3RHT:

Radio works 80M Windom, one end in the attic and the other end in a tree at
the far corner of the property, with ends drooped down to fit the space, fed
with coax

Homebrew vertical dipole, about 40 feet total length, stuck upright in a big
ole pine tree and held lovingly in place by the tree's branches, fed with
450 ohm ladder line to a Heathkit B-1 balun and then coax into the shack.

Butternut HF-6V with the 160 meter option, on top of a 30 foot pole with a
home-made counterpoise following plans published in CQ. Some of the
counterpoise wires have broken. Fed with coax.

Homebrew from one of the W6SAI books 10-15-20 multi-band meter dipole in the
attic, center is Van Gordon 1:1 balun, tuned to resonance using MFJ 259, and
fed with coax

The other stuff is VHF or too junky to be worth mentioning. In a few weeks,
I will put up that 1977 NOS trap dipole that I mentioned.

My house is on a small, suburban lot, but that lot sits on the highest point
for 20 miles in all directions.

Anyway....that's what I'm working with here.
All ideas appreciated.
73, Don Merz, N3RHT

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Monday, December 13, 2004 5:59 PM
To: Merz Donald S; [EMAIL PROTECTED];
Subject: Re: [AMRadio] Antenna Tuner Wonderings


What kind of "crappy" antennas are you using, i.e., doublets fed with coax,
open wire lines, etc., or end-fed wires?  Or, some combination of types

Rather that building up a bunch of tuners you might consider putting your
efforts into erecting a set of antennas that all worked directly off a 50 or
75 ohm coax feedlines.  Half-wave dipoles, one for each band, for example,
or one or more of the multi-band arrangements (G5RV, fan and trap dipole,

Dennis D. W7QHO
Glendale, CA

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