I get mail from Keith LaMonica, because I'm interested in the remote HF radio operation.
He's got a mailing list, dedicated to just that.
This was in that list.

73 = Best Regards,


To TIME recipients:

An article in your TIME magazine by Lev
Grossman has been forwarded to my office.

I do believe that Mr. Grossman has
grossly been mis- informed and for such a prestigious magazine such as
yours, one would think this type of gross error would have been

Amateur Radio has been a magnificent
hobby since the early 1920's for electronic experimenters that work
tirelessly in their home labs and stations to break barriers and bring
new technologies to the consumer world, not to mention the many uses
the amateur radio operator achieved from these advances.

If Mr. Grossman would do his homework,
he would have discovered that what he refers to the 'embarassing' hobby
was the platform for many of the devices he relies upon today. Amateur radio was many of the early engineers college education. Amateur radio operators, turned professional electronic engineers
brought the world, most of the early technologies that brought us the
radio receiver, the technology of television, the VCR - audio and
video, high powered transmitters for AM, FM radio and TV  stations, the
complicated antenna systems used to transmit those signals, high
powered audio amplifiers used in high fidelity and live concert stages
and the list goes on.

It was Art Collins W0CXX that brought
Single Sideband technology to radio communications that carry vital
communications world wide - from Air Force One, to virtually every
transmission made by our government embassies around the world and
every major commercial airliner in the sky. The late Arthur Godfrey, General Curtis Lemay, NBC space correspondent Roy Neal, Walter
Kronkite,  several of our US senators, many entertainers such as Joe
Walsh of the Eagles, Patti Lovelace, Dave Bell,  Hollywood movie
Producer, Ronnie Milsap, baseball great Joe Rudi all the way to the
late King Hussein, JY1  are just a 'few' of the many amateur operators
that lives have been enriched AND, have enriched each and every person
on the globe, including Mr. Grossman by Amateur Radio.

NONE of this would have been
accomplished as quickly and as economically if it were not for these
early pioneers that spend countless late night hours in their home labs
and stations.

Embarrassing?   You make the
decision.   I think this opens the door for the decision makers at TIME
Magazine to do a feature article on the high level of technical
expertise the great hobby of amateur radio brings to the world and I
have not even touched upon the amazing amount of volunteer work that
the 'hams' of the world brings to disasters.  If it were NOT for ham
radio operators volunteering their time and equipment in the heart of
hurricanes, storms, disasters of all kinds many more lives would have
been lost AND life line communications were established immediately in
these areas....and this continues today.

Does Mr. Grossman call saving and
affecting thousands of lives embarrassing?  Obviously he does.  I think
it is time for TIME Magazine to rethink his horrible and erroneous
statement and bring the REAL truth along with an apology to it's
readers and the several million amateur radio operators world wide.

I remain at your service to help you
provide the truth about Amateur Radio.

Best Regards,

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