I would like to get a good but not too expensive scope to monitor modulation on my Valiant and Ranger. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Like the other guy said, any old scope will work. I have found out, though (and who said sense was common? ;-)) that you can't use a 5Mc scope, to monitor your 40m carrier. That was a -long- time ago, I tried that stunt. Couldn't figure out why things were 'slanted' on 40m, when it looked/worked so sweetly on 75m.

20Mc scopes are fairly common at hamfests.

There's times you can find good deals. Other times you will find people that want an arm, a leg and a contract for you to give up your first born child, and share raising rights on the 2nd.

Kinda like those people that make a mint off of selling Collins stuff. Just because it says "Collins" on it, some people seem to start foaming at the mouth. Very similar to Pavlov's Dogs.

Personally, I really don't -care- what it is, or do I much care for how it looks, as long as it works.

Ok.  I need more coffee :-)

73 = Best Regards,

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