Todd sorry we could'nt eyeball QSO. But gald you had a good time.

Re the Hamcation, well I found a fair amount of bargins. 

I bought an entire spare set of 833's for my Gates for $40.

Pair of 4-400 and 6146  for $20.

A big box of .22ufd @ 600WVDC - must be better that 350 in there ( the side of
the box is stamped 387) paid $25 for the case

A bunch of mil connectors for  under a buck a piece.

Two Heath mobnile power supplies for $10.

I passed up a Heath Cheyenn & Comanche for $80 with both 12 & 110 ps. A little
too rough.

Also passed up a R390A for $125. Too many projects - life is too short, etc.

Also missed a SP600 in very restorable shape for $75.

Bought original manuals for several Halicrafers radios @ $1 - $5 a piece.

I couldn't pass up the phone patch for my TR7 - $10.

Brought my own lunch & coffee! Saved a bundle there.

But I bought a new 706MKIIG - first new radio I have ever bought. Ahhh, that
new radio smell.  Now where the heck to mount the DK4 screwdriver antenna on
the old Lebaron?

I just did'nt care for that parking lot called Interstate 4!! HI!



--- "Todd, KA1KAQ" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> My apologies up front to those who receive this post on multiple
> lists: I received comments and suggestions from several places, and
> the information might be of interest as well.
> Thanks to everyone who offered tips and suggestions for the Tampa,
> Florida area. While I didn't make it to Skycraft Surplus or another
> place suggested to me, I did visit a few places folks might find worth
> the trip.
> First, I did make it to 'Hamcation' in Orlando last Friday.
> Unfortunately for me it would appear that Satruday is likely the
> better day. The outdoor fleamarket was perhaps 1/4 the size of the
> Hosstraders hamfest in Hopkinton, NH, just for reference. Some of the
> items seen were: Collins 75A-4 w/speaker for a mere $3K, a decent
> SP-600 for $495 (owner says he had turned down an offer of $350
> earlier), two Collins 30S-1 amps for $1650 and $1750, and a BC-939(?)
> antenna tuner for the BC-610 in so-so shape for a mere $400. Big Gates
> console for $400. Homebrew quad of what looked like 3-500Z transmitter
> for '10 meter AM or FM' for $1500, a D-104 (nothing special, 1980s
> model with push bar on base and japanese aftermarket lever on side
> bar) for $250, another next to it with no lever for $150. Also saw a
> Halli transmitter and receiver set up (the numbers escape me, but they
> look like the SR-150) with no price, 'make me an offer' by the owner.
> Someone else had a Hallicrafters power supply for one of the
> HA-whatever converters for $25, probably the steal of the hamfest. I
> purchased 100' of 14 gauge wire from the Wireman for an antenna
> project, and a couple of 3-wafer ceramic switches for 25¢ each. Ran
> into a Vermont plate, W1TX. Talked with him a bit. Also spoke with a
> guy who had just fixed a friend's DX-100. No one seemed to know
> anything about an AM group, other than the frequencies you could find
> them on some mornings. I was hoping for an 'AM corral' or similar, but
> no joy. Saw a couple of guys intently fiddling with what looked like
> some kind of Chinese military backpack radio. But....$3K for a 75A-4?
> $250 for a run-of-the-mill D-104? "Y'all" are mighty proud of your
> gear!  I won't get into the traffic situation, but I can see why
> people camp there for days.
> Also visited two museums. The first is, by FAR, the best private radio
> museum I've ever seen, and probably the largest collection of WWII
> Japanese radios in the country, maybe the world. Col. William Howard
> was kind enough to invite me and my YL tour guide to visit his
> collections and museum, and I'm certainly glad we made the trip there.
> Bill has an extensive collection of not only WWII Japanese gear, but
> many of the important pieces of radio gear and other developments from
> pre-WWII to present. He also has story boards along the walls
> detailing specific events or giving in-depth descriptions of
> particular items, people, and so on. And he doesn't have only radio
> gear - he has paper, uniforms, ordinance, models, displays, and some
> very significant historical artifacts. He also has a vast amount of
> knowledge and experience. I never knew that Bill was active in
> collecting and analyzing enemy gear in Viet Nam, for example. He has a
> great deal of information on his unit's activities there, as well as
> many of the artifacts collected. I got a kick out of the chinese radio
> riddled with bullet holes. Not much use, but interesting in the
> historical perspective. It's impossible to go into great detail here,
> suffice it to say that it is well worth a visit. Bill is a great host,
> provides very detailed directions for getting there, and is very
> devoted to preserving our history. Why, he even has a couple of
> operating Stuart tanks! My only regret is not having a day or two more
> to spend looking things over and reading everything.  Thanks again,
> Bill.
> Final stop was the Florida International Museum in St Petersburg,
> which has a wonderful Cold War display centered around the Cuban
> Missile Crisis. They have rooms furnished with everything you'd have
> seen from that era, right down to the reading materials and kitchen
> appliances even period B&W TV sets with old newscasts playing on them.
> The also have many interesting CD posters, hand-written notes
> scribbled by JFK during his meetings with his staff about what to do,
> even a complete, de-commissioned SA-2 surface-to-air missile is on
> display. They also have a typical fallout shelter, complete with
> bunks,yellow Gonset Gooney box, and canned rations. Other radios on
> display were used in the movie '13 Days' and include a small National
> (SW-54?) and Zenith Trans-Oceanic. Along the walls, from beginning to
> end, are large printed updates by date and time, of the unfolding of
> events from the first discovery of missiles to the final deal and
> removal. It was much more than I expected from the description given
> to me, and very much worth seeing.
> So again, many thanks to those who offered suggestions and help. I'm
> sorry I wasn't able to catch up with Mark, Andy, and some of the
> others who attended the Orlando 'fest, looks like I was a day early.
> Maybe next time? And for any of you in, around, or visiting the
> Tampa/Clearwater area - take my advice and visit Col William Howard's
> museum and the Florida International Museum. I've only scratched the
> surface here, there is so much more to see.
> de Todd/'Boomer'  KA1KAQ
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