charles free wrote:

Hello all,

In reference to the fellow wanting to run QRP AM,  I
seem to recall that years ago there was a contest for
the longest distance and lowest power used for an AM
contact.  The last I heard, was that an Australian,
running 500 milliwatts AM on 10 meters was the record
holder.  This was around 1970 or so.  Anybody else
drag anything out of the memory banks on this?
Charlie, W4MEC in NC

seems far-fetched, but I think Steve/WB5UGT worked  from South Texas
to Skohegan, Maine (know anyone up there? ;-)) on a 4-watt xtal controlled
CB walktie-talkie and an extended antenna. I'm sure Steve worked others on that setup. And, he monitors the list.

73 = Best Regards,

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