For Sale

Ten-Tec Cube: Ten Tec made a relatively rare rack configuration for the Omni VI 
that included the Omni VI, Titan amplifier and the famous 253 autotuner. The 
whole rig sits in a gorgeous color-matched rack except for the 220V Titan power 
supply and the 12V Omni VI power supply, which are separate. This Omni VI has 
been factory updated with OPTION 3 which makes it into an Omni VI+. The 
receiver on the Omni VI/OPT3 is the best I have ever heard. The Titan is a 
killer amp using 2 Eimac 3CX800's for beaucoup power on 160 through 10 meters. 
The 253 autotuner is still the benchmark by which other autotuners are judged. 
$3,300 complete with desk mic and all manuals. Looks and works superb. This has 
been in my shack for 3 years or so. I purchased it from the original owner. 

MC-127 spline knobs (2 to sell). These fit the early war radio gear including 
ARB, RU/GF, SCR-183/283, etc. These do not fit the ARC-5 radios. $10 each

C-52/ARC-4 control box with mounting plate and mating connector. Some touch ups 
on black wrinkle. Looks great. $25

BC-602-D control box. I think this is the channel selector for the SCR-522? 5 
red push buttons labeled A-B-C-D-OFF and a connector on the back. No mounting 
plate.  Nice original shape. $25

General Radio Strobotac Type 1531. Nice. Working perfectly. $35

E. F. Johnson Kilowatt Matchbox with coupler. This unit looks nice from a 
distance. But the big dials are not original. They look good and are the right 
size-but not EFJ. The cabinet paint has many scrapes and scuffs but still 
manages to look quite good. The front panel looks very good. "Tuning" cap is 
stiff and needs a lube job. $250

Glowbug Transmitter. Homebrew transmitter on a 2x5x7 aluminum chassis. Only 2 
tubes-a 5Y3 rectifier and a 6L6. Coil taps for 20 and 40 (uses the whole coil 
for 80). Beautifully built with a Stancor P-6012 power transformer and neat 
wiring. Front "panel" (there is no panel) controls are tune and load caps 
mounted on the chassis; then mounted on the 5 inch end of the chassis apron are 
a tune/transmit toggle, on/off toggle, key jack and "meter" terminals (banana 
jacks). In the meter terminals jacks sits a #47 lamp. A single xtal socket is 
on top, next to the 6L6 and it has a 3580 xtal in it. Uses fused EFJ plug on 
line cord.  The output connector on the back is an RCA jack. Working well just 
as it sits. Plug-n-play. $50

Military ME-11B/U dummy-load/watt meter. DL is oil-filled. Meter scales are 15 
watts and 60 watts. Untested. As-is. Needs a paint job. $10

Heathkit T-4 Visual/Aural Signal Tracer with original manual. This would be 
nice except the original owner liked to see his name in print. So "E. Collins" 
is written in magic marker on both sides of the cabinet and on the front cover 
of the manual. Otherwise nice. Seems to be working as designed with scratchy 
controls. $17

Heathkit Mobile Speaker Model AK-7 with mounting bracket and cable. Has a 
couple paint scrapes but looks good. $17

Kenwood T-599/R-599/S-599 station. Classic Kenwood HF predecessor to the 
TS-520. With connecting cables, original boxes and original manuals. Very nice 
shape with a few slight scuffs but nothing major. Silver front panels look 
great. $325

Thanks for looking.
73, Don Merz, N3RHT
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