It appears that is what will be required. I was hoping to find the exact resistor to save drilling new holes and such but I don't think that is going to happen. Thanks to all who provided help and inspiration.

73  Jim

   You could buy the 25K, use your old clamp to tap at
20K, and the new tap for whatever you need. That would
cut the rating to 40 watts however..

    Alternatively parallel the 25K 50 watt with a 100K
fixed 10 watt, and you got 20K with an adjustable tap!

You might be able to just substitute the 20K with a 25K and it would work fine. Depending on its function in the circuit, the value of a resistor is often not critical. I made a similar substitution with the voltage divider in the bias supply of my Gates BC1-T and could tell absolutely no difference. In older rigs with carbon resistors, some the resistances may have shifted a greater percentage than that, but the circuits still work OK.

Don k4kyv

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