I've seen one or two of the Lafayette HA250 amps on Ebay over the past year 
or so.

Another possibility is the Knight TL175 which also shows up occasionally.

If anybody will admit to having one, the old Sonar BR21 should also work 
well as long as you watch the drive level. Okay, so, that dates the time of 
my pre-ham radio activity!

To their credit, the FCC has made Ebay be more careful of amplifier sales, 
so you don't see nearly as much of the CB trash amps there as was once the 
case. I'm sure some are there disguised one way or another.

For the ambitious builder, when the novice power level was raised to the 250 
watt level, there was a sweep tube linear in QST and in a few editions of 
the Handbook. I think it was in the late 70s or early 80s, and ran a pair of 
6kd6 tubes. I was running a Yaesu FT7 at the time, and considered getting a 
friend to help me build one, but we never got around to it.

Mike Duke, K5XU
American Council of Blind Radio Amateurs

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