Everyone has had good advice for PJ and I want to add that anyone who would inquire here before flipping the transmit switch is welcome into any conversation he hears W5JO.

In the past few decades we have complained about those who do not ask and do some of the things Grant mentioned. PJ you are to be commended on wanting to do things right, congratulations and welcome to the group.

Most everyone will work with you as time goes by, just announce your call and listen to how the group participates. Here in the Southwest things are a little different than on the East coast. Just don't be intimidated.

From me, thanks for asking.

73  Jim

----- Original Message ----- From: "Grant Youngman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'Discussion of AM Radio'" <amradio@mailman.qth.net>
Sent: Thursday, June 23, 2005 8:01 PM
Subject: RE: [AMRadio] roundtable ettiquette

Is there anywhere printed the 'netiquette' type of rules for
joining and leaving a voice communications (AM) round table?

It's pretty loose :-)

1.  Find someplace besides right smack dab on top of the existing round
table to tune up.

2. Wait for someone to turn it to the next person in the rotation and just
throw out your call.  "Break <your call> works, too.  AM'ers  generally
leave a "space" between transmissions just for this purpose. If it's a more VOX-like exchange in progress, wait for a break and then announce yourself.
Virtually all AM QSO's welcome anyone that happens by.

3. Leaving is about the same. Let people know you're going, that this will
be your last transmission, etc.  Don't just vanish.  If you have to leave
out of turn, use that space between transmissions to jump in quickly and let
folks know you're going, then pass it to the person that was next in the

4.  The bigger the group, the shorter your transmissions ought to get.
There's nothing worse than a roundtable of 6-8 or more people all making
long old buzzard transmissions -- it can be an hour (or longer) before you
get to open your mouth again :-)

What else? -- I don't know --- leave the bodily noises outside the radio
room, and remember that you probably have a bigger general audience on AM
than you would on sidband. If I'm working in the room but not participating
I'd MUCH rather listen to an interesting AM QSO than the other stuff ...


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