There is a funny thing about the Gonset twins...when you find them for sale, 
you rarely find the PS with the receiver or the Mod/PS with the transmitter.  
This has always been a bit of a mystery to me since especially the transmitter 
is a bit useless without the Mod/PS unless someone has the time to build one 
up.  The receiver PS is not that critical.

I was lucky enough to find a receiver/PS combo at a recent hamfest for a 
bargain price and in mint condition.  I grabbed it quickly since I hope to 
duplicate the twins mobile installation I had in my '58 Chevy back in the good 
days.  I am still looking for the transmitter/Mod/PS combo.  I have had several 
chances to pick up the front end, but have never seen a PS/Mod since I sold 
mine years abo to go mobile SSB with a Swan 240.

If anyone has the G-77 package and wants to sell it, please contact me 


John,  W4AWM

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