Given that the 897 is rated up to 100 watts on SSB, the best you can do
on AM is a 25 watt carrier.

Pete, wa2cwa

On Fri, 29 Jul 2005 09:05:30 -0400 "John A. Lorenc" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hey Paul and everyone else on the reflector,
>     A few people have asked about my setup (I think) and so here it 
> is.  
> Sad to say, I don't have any vintage equipment yet (aside from a 
> heathkit receiver), but for AM I'm using a Yaesu FT-897 pumping 100W 
> (usually) into a Hustler 6 Band vertical buried in the ground 
> outside 
> the house.   I'm studying to get my Advanced class license here in 
> Canada though, since it is my ambition to build a homebrew kilowatt 
> for 
> AM (though I know this requires a great deal of knowledge and time, 
> but 
> I'll get there!).  I'd also like to restore some vintage radio 
> equipment 
> in the future.
> Hope to hear you on the air waves,
> John
> VJB wrote:
> >For the VA3 -- and others --
> >There's a California and pacific NW group that fires
> >up on 3825Kc tonight, Friday,  at 0200 GMT, 7P pacific
> >time or 10P eastern. 
> >
> >I've had several nice coast-to-coast AM chats with
> >them when the static is soft, maybe not tonight, but
> >keep it in mind too.
> >
> >Hope to work you soon, what's your setup? 
> >
> >Paul/VJB
> >Annapolis

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