Now THAT is the key to happiness!

Since we might wish to also measure the inductance of a choke with some amount of DC current flowing through it, does anyone have an idea how to do this?

In an example of a 10H choke, which would have 3768 ohms impedance, how would I pass 0.5 amp through it's 80 ohms of DC resistance without messing up the impedance measurement method?

To me the obstacle looks like the issue of the power supply feeding the choke having a very low impedance compare to the measurement value to be made. Add to this the desire for a range of 0.1 to 100H and it's a real issue, at least from a calibration standpoint.

I am certain some one on this list has done this before. It has to have been done in the choke factories of olden times!


From: "John Coleman ARS WA5BXO" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [AMRadio] Choke calculations
To: "AMRadio" <>
Content-Type: text/plain;       charset="us-ascii"

Hey Bob:
         I just realized that each Henry of inductance is equivalent to
376.8 ohms at 60 Hz.  I don't know why, but at my age now, little
revelations of that nature excite me.

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