You could put a short on the secondary terminals, and run up the primary 
voltage with a variac, to where you get the full current flowing in the short. 
Voltage will be, of course, low, and this will heat the transformer up without 
overloading it. Be sure to not exceed the rated DC current, and maybe to be 
safe, run it only 50-75% of that. Other than this, you could put a plywood or 
polyethylene sheet tent around it, and heat it with a radiant heater of any 
type. All you need is 120 deg F or so for so many days. 


> Hi all,
>       Ok, I know this has been covered here before, but is there a
> consensus on how to get the moisture out of HV plate transformers and
> chokes, so they won't arc on me.  And before everyone jumps in with the
> quick 
> "just put it in an oven on xxx degrees for yy hours", I am working with
> the
> iron from a Broadcast transmitter, specifically, the Gates BC-1G so
> these
> things are 100, 150 lbs each, and my XYL would REALLY not like it if I
> tried
> to put them in her fancy oven.  They have been sitting in an
> un-conditioned
> but dry hanger/garage for several years, so I am certain they have
> soaked up
> a good deal of moisture over that time.
> Thanks for any suggestions,
>       Don - W8HRQ

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