Jack, W9GT has mentioned the shortcomings of having an
"AM Window" when the benefits are not reciprocal with
the users of other, incompatible modes.

I've come to the conclusion that we don't do ourselves
any favors by constraining ourselves to such windows.
In so doing, we fail to help utilize vacant spots
elsewhere on the dial where an AM QSO can be supported
without causing interference.

On the other hand, disrespectful incursions into
established conversations can be deemed intentional
interference. Chronic, documented cases can trigger
enforcement by the FCC. It's not mode specific.

But let's be positive. By moving elsewhere, we have
opportunities for a pleasant exchange with others
unaccustomed to "finding" AM. By inviting them to join
such a QSO, it allows them to consider the allure of
our nostalgic speciality.

I've personally done this with great success on or
about 3837Kc, the location of the Sunday AM gathering
of the Antique Wireless Association.



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