How about using 6 811's. I built a gg 160m only amp like this back in the early eighties. Still works great today. And one of the cool things about using the six tubes in gg, is the fact that the input impedance is 50 ohms. No imput matching network required if your using a solid state exciter.
George KE4HJ

Donald Chester wrote:

.hey don,what are your thoughts of am transmission
with 4 811s?..i'm looking to get more output on 160

In linear service, the maximum carrier output would be half the plate dissipation. The pd of the 811A is 65 watts. So for a quad, the maxumum safe carrier output would be 130 watts.

In grounded grid service, some of drive power will feed through, so you might add 10% to that, bringing the carrier output power to 143 watts give or take a few.

With the pair of 813's you would add some feedthrough power to the 125 watts. I would say more like 12.5 watts, to bring the total to 137.5 watts.

Most g-g linears take about 10% of the output power to drive them.


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