Hi Neal,

A Cozy MkIV, eh?  Nice!  Did you "homebrew" her?

Shortly after I got out of the Navy, I stepped down from my F-4 Phantom II to a Jeanie's Teeny II. In fact, I built and test flew Cal Parker's prototype in Pensacola. This miniscule airplane was far more frightening (and injurious) than my warbird had been. I must admit, though, the Teeny was superior in one respect. Its numbers were very easy to remember. All V-speeds were the same: 85 mph (knots not yet being recognized by civil aviation) -- with the exception of Vno and Vne which were, I suspect, about 86 mph. I did not push the envelope. There was none.

After the broomstick-balancing airwork, somewhat akin to flying two rotorcraft at once, I flared prettily for my first and only landing before a massive aircraft redesign by Mr. Parker. Big mistake! We pancaked -- the little plane and I -- and both suffered considerable bruising of our respective undercarriages. As they say down South, I was stove up for a month.

Years later I overheard Cal at an EAA event telling a fan (with his characteristic drawl), "I designed the Teeny Two so that any idiot could build and fly it."

How true.



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