Anyone happen to have a NOS or Good-Used Ranger power transformer for sale? I need one - or a Good-Used Ranger - or, a new hobby... ;}

After several hours on the bench last night - it is apparent why this old girl was shelved - it came to me with a 5R4 in the HV socket, but the fils didn't light, tho the tube was good. So sure enough - someone had tied the 5V fil lines back, and there was a 10-ohm 10W resistor in series with the B+ lead.

I made a plug-in SS rectifier, installed it, switched the rig on - and blew both diodes and both line fuses to little bits.


So I restored the original circuit - there is a definite 'under-load' short from the HV rect fils to the HV winding.


Disconnected all that - the LV side works fine, Osc runs, buffer runs - can 'zero-beat' to a receiver, frequency of VFO seems accurate.


 Tansformer voltage and resistance checks are within 10% of spec.


Put new diodes in put a Variac and ac ammeter in the mains line, turned it up slowly - POW. Actually, with the diodes in cicuit, it appears to the Variac / AC Ammeter that the power transformer has a dead short. Having replaced the filter caps, and checked the plate choke - it ain't them. The B+ line resistance is slightly over 20K.


In this process the power transformer has begun to get slighly warm, so I went back to checking the LV side - as I was testing, the transformer started to arc internally - and resistance measurements now show the fil-to-HV short. So: It's toast.

While working on it, I did get to listen to a wonderful, hours-long AM QSO on 3.885 - altogether seven or eight stations from both coasts and the midwest - nice loud sigs, band wide open and quiet - little QRN and no QRM (for once)

NOW: Today I'll try and get the Valiant healthy.

   What else are 4-day weekends for???


John  KB6SCO

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