Does anyone in the southeast remember Paul, WA5FHP, from Dequincy, La?

Excluding the "broadcasts of K1 You Know Who, Paul was "responsible" for the 
two longest transmitions I have ever heard on the ham bands. Both occurred 
on 75 meters.

During one of these "radio half hours," he read the transcript of a 
conservative radio program called "Life Line." This program was only 15 
minutes including the commercial breaks. But, in a style which would make 
Rush proud, he concluded the transmition by telling all who were listening 
just what we were to think of what he had read. That one lasted at least 25 

His other marathon occurred one newyear's eve when he was obviously very 
much into the egg nog. I don't know what he was using for a transmitter that 
night, but that signal was also the widest non-cb am signal I have ever 

He would often play portions of Justin Wilson or Dave Gardner comedy records 
during his qsos.

When I was first licensed, he was one of about 4 AM stations who could hear 
my Ranger and very low dipole from Mississippi. When he was not on his 
soapbox, or up to his ears in the pickle barrel, he was actually a pretty 
good qso.

It's hard to believe that those incidents occurred nearly 40 years ago!

Mike Duke, K5XU
American Council of Blind Radio Amateurs

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