The 858S is probably 5 kV DC. RF rating is more dependent on the freq and RF 
current than voltage. The High Energy HH58 series is 7.5 kV.

> Date: Sun, 4 Dec 2005 21:09:12 -0800
> From: Edward B Richards <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [AMRadio] Data wanted
> To:
>> Greetings;
> I have several doorknob capacitors that do not show the voltage. I wonder
> if someone can point me to a catalog that might give the voltage. They
> are;
> CRL (centralab?) 858S, 1000 mmfd.
> HEC HH58 1000 pf  913--0101-00.
> Thank you.
> 73, Ed Richards, K6UUZ

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