Happy New Year to all!

FIRST WEDNESDAY AM NIGHT!!! Sponsored by the Collins Collectors Association.

Wednesday January 4th on 3880 kcs at 7:00 PM local East Coast time marks the start of the latest chapter of First Wednesday AM Night, drawing hundreds of vintage stations from across the country.

The event is anchored by a "tall ship" AM station in each time zone. The East Coast and Central sections will now run for 90 minutes in response to the tremendous participation in those time zones. The remaining time zones will be an hour. We encourage stations to check-in on AM using Collins and other AM transmitters, new and old. It's an opportunity to revel in this nostalgic mode, enjoy giving vintage equipment a "run," and sharing some storytelling about classic vacuum tube homebrew and commercial designs. Typically more than a hundred stations take part in the evening's coast-to-coast AM event; by the time it concludes at 10:00 PM Local PST.

LISTEN for the following anchors and stop by to say hello, won't you? You don't have to be running Collins or vintage gear to be welcomed into the group.

7:00 PM-8:30 PM Local East Coast Time Anchor:  Bob W0YVA

7:30 PM-9:00 PM Local Central Time Anchor:  Jim W0NKL

8:00 PM-9:00 PM Local Mountain Time Anchor: Jim WA0LSB

8:00 PM-9:00 PM Local West Coast Time Anchor:  Bill N6PY

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