I think it's still off the air. Last I heard there were a bunch of guys
in the New England area who meet early in the mornings on 50.4. Almost
every evening I hear SSB QSO's on 50.150 from the New England area. K1JJ
in CT has a small array set up for 6 meters. You should be able to work
him. See: 
Or, if the link gets cut apart, go here:

January 21-23 is VHF Sweepstakes. You should here lots of 6 meter
Remember, you can work SSB stations with an AM rig. They'll just think
you're running a Swan rig.

Pete, wa2cwa

On Mon, 9 Jan 2006 11:51:21 -0500 "Todd, KA1KAQ" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On 1/8/06, RJ Mattson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi Mark,
> > Are you in range of the K1JCL 6m 50.4 AM repeater in CT?
> > I tried 50.4 here from the Catskills but never heard anything with 
> my 6m
> > Clegg.
> Bob -
> Last I knew, Al had taken the repeater off the air due to problems
> with some nitwit anti-AM types and frequency coordination issues. I
> think he just got sick of the BS.
> I've heard no AM up this way, and only the occasional SSB signals. 
> We
> have a couple of big guns (K1LPS & W1AIM) up north on SSB, maybe
> you've heard them? Would be nice to have some AM activity though...
> de Todd/'Boomer'  KA1KAQ

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