And, of course, all of these problems and issues "will go away" with
total deregulation of amateur radio with RM-11305, "any mode - any
bandwidth - anywhere". The only thing that glues this together is a
voluntary band plan from the majority of the amateur radio service
members. That should make everyone feel warm and fuzzy.

Pete, wa2cwa

On Fri, 13 Jan 2006 08:52:26 -0600 W5OMR/Geoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> As you can see, this mental midget has no desire to learn actually 
> -how- 
> things are done.  He just wants to bitch.
> Again, I'm reminded of the saying/phrase:
> "Why are the narrowest of minds,
> found in the fattest of heads?"
> --
> 73 = Best Regards,
> -Geoff/W5OMR
> Ron Grandmaison wrote:
> > */OMR...don't complain to me directly you it through 
> the 
> > FCC web site.  I'm not the only one bitching about you AM jerks 
> > wandering all over the bands.  I was on AM when you still had your 
> > diapers on.  CHU does ssb can do it too if you have the 
> > brains to modify your equipment...but I doubt that you do./*
> >
> >     ----- Original Message -----
> >     *From:* W5OMR/Geoff <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >     *To:* [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >     *Sent:* Friday, January 13, 2006 8:47 AM
> >     *Subject:* ARRL Bandplan issues...
> >
> >     >
> >     >
> >     >"The ARRL bandwidth proposal appears workable with one
> >     >exception, allowing double sideband AM 9kHz. SSB was
> >     >created to conserve spectrum and allow more stations
> >     >to operate in a given bandwidth. AM stations were
> >     >allowed to operate in certain segments of each band in
> >     >accordance with the ARRL voluntary band plan to reduce
> >     >destructive interference to SSB stations. In recent
> >     >years some of these AM stations have chosen to violate
> >     >the band plan and operate anywhere in the phone bands,
> >     >creating harmful interference to SSB operations (this
> >     >is particularly evident on the 80 meter band). If the
> >     >FCC is to allow 9 kHz for these stations, rules should
> >     >be implemented to restrict these stations to a 4.5 kHz
> >     >bandwidth (SSB AM) if they do not abide by the ARRL
> >     >band plan."
> >     >
> >
> >
> >     How about, before you open your mouth to insert your foot, 
> let's
> >     get you
> >     educated, first.  What do you say?  Would you agree that
> >     "knowledge is
> >     power!"?
> >
> >     I knew you would.
> >
> >     First off... AM stations are not -allowed- to operate in a 
> certain
> >     segments of the band.  AM operation is allowed, by part 97 
> Rules and
> >     Regulations, wherever phone operation is allowed, unless 
> specifically
> >     stated (one example that comes to mind, is 60m, where each
> >     'channel' is
> >     limited to USB -only-.  Another is the Novice Sub-band from 
> 28.3 ~
> >     28.5Mc where the mode is limited to USB, only, and 200w)
> >
> >     Speaking of Part 97, it -is- the FCC that sets the rules, for 
> our
> >     operations, as hams, NOT the Armanian Rump Rubbers League.  
> All
> >     the ARRL
> >     is, is a liason between Hams and the FCC.  Lots of people 
> don't agree
> >     that we hams should only have the one voice represent the 
> needs of
> >     -all-
> >     hams, nationwide.  Count me among them.
> >
> >     Using your own verbage, the ARRL Bandplan is -voluntary-.  
> Nothing
> >     says
> >     it -has- to be adhered to.  See my earlier comments on where 
> AM is
> >     allowed to be operated.
> >
> >
> >     Again, using your woefully uneducated statements, and based on 
> your
> >     -beliefs-, let me ask you this...
> >
> >     How many QSO's do you hear on 146.52Mc, simplex?  Or, 52.525,
> >     simplex? 
> >     Or even 29.6Mc?  If someone were to move off of 146.52, up to 
> say,
> >     146.54 and have a QSO, would you consider them to be 'out of 
> band'? 
> >     That's exactly what you're doing, when you try to segregate 
> AM
> >     operators
> >     from the rest of Hamdom...  Y'see, the ARRL bandplans *I've* 
> read,
> >     suggest that (on 75m) 3.885Mc is the AM -Calling Frequency-.  
> Much
> >     like
> >     29.6, 52.525, 146.52, 446.00Mc are -calling frequencies-.  
> You
> >     make your
> >     call, establish contact, move off.  The -calling frequencies- 
> for
> >     AM are
> >     only listed as that, in the band-plan.. -Calling 
> frequencies-.
> >
> >     If you're concerend that AM is too wide, then would you 
> rather
> >     hear +/-
> >     2.5kc deviation FM on the hambands?  It's only 5kc wide...
> >
> >     "rules should be implemented to restrict these stations to a 
> 4.5kHz
> >     bandwidth (SSB AM) if they do not abide by the ARRL band 
> plan."
> >
> >     You, yourself, earlier said that it was 'voluntary'.  Tell me, 
> oh
> >     unwise
> >     one, how you plan to accuse, and bring charges against 
> someone,
> >     simply
> >     because you percieve that this individual is violating the
> >     'volunteer'/suggested ARRL Band plan (that the ARRL has no
> >     authority to
> >     impose)?
> >
> >     You need some education, sir.
> >
> >     ---
> >     73 = Best Regards
> >     (Remember, the last 2 letters in HAM are AM!)
> >     -Geoff/W5OMR

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