Well I had a very nice surprise tonight.

I was able to  make a QSO from Tampa to the Elmac net ostensibly in Pigeon,
Michigan and points near.

We had a cheeseburger at the Sonic and then I asked the YL if she wanted to do
something boring.... We ended up at the beach on the St. Pete side of the Gandy

I put the DK3 antenna on the back of the Chrysler and unpacked the Icom 706.

I matched the antenna and started hunting around 80 for an SSB QSO. I did not
expect to hear the Elmac net.

I was even more surprised to make a solid contact with Mike N8ECR with 40 watts
from my car. Thats about 1300 miles.

Also heard was KA2J Dave and WB8TOW Steve.




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