Sorry I just got around to reading this for a reply.
The prime cause of wierdness in programming and
quality is that there is rarely anyone minding the
store at Commercial stations, especially AM. The
stations are being run by computers, Usually windows
machines that are riddled with bugs. The engineers are
like me, a contractor that isn't on staff and only
called in ocassionally. Thing happen to the systems
and you get dead air, multiple sources on the air,etc.
I also think that political commentary doesn't belong
on this or any other ham radio list. Considering that
90% of the AM talkers are of the right wing variety,
comments about Air America should be best kept to one
self. Not all of us think alike and that's a very good
thing. If we did, we all would have only rice box

--- VJB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The FCC is allowing the quality of AM signals to
> deteriorate, but it's been over a very long period
> of
> time.
> First there was the neglect of receiver standards
> which could have forced car radio and home tuner
> manufactuers to comply with minimum specs on
> selectivity and audio fidelity. Many industry
> observers feel this could have been established
> during
> the "AM Stereo" controversy.
> Then, after failing to do that, the FCC allowed the
> industry to propose and implement a 9 kHz
> transmitted
> bandwidth standard, ostensibly to minimize adjacent
> channel interference.
> In the time since digital decoding and encoding
> became
> a successor to the (sometimes) equalized metallic
> pair
> between studio and transmitter, there has not been
> enough industry interest at making sure digital
> artifacts are held to a minimum
> Lately, the industry jumped on the "digital"
> bandwagon
> that rolled through television then FM, to
> voluntarily
> try to implement In-Band, On-Channel digital service
> on contemporary AM frequencies.
> The side effects of this system spread interference
> well past 15 to 20 Kc from center frequency, as a
> function of trying to match (not beat) the kind of
> analog audio quality our parents remember when they
> were tuned to AM on the old wooden floor console
> that
> served as the Home Entertainment Center in those
> pre-TV days.
> Paul/VJB
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