From: "Brian Carling" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hey - mount those 6AG7s upside down in cooling oil and you
can run 500 watts to 'em.  I wouldn't try it but I am sure

My very first plate-modulated AM rig back in 1959 used a single 6AQ5 to drive a pair of 807's as class-B triodes with screen and control grids tied together with 20k resistors, and negative feedback round the 6AQ5. It would work for a few minutes, and then distortion would start to creep up. I finally figured out that the 6AQ5 was overheating and the distortion was due to thermal runaway. I turned the driver stage, which was haywired on a separate little chassis, upside down and let the 6AQ5 rest in a jar of water. That kept it just cool enough to keep away the distortion. But I would, on the average, overturn the jar of water at least once every time I tried to use that lashup.



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