John E. Coleman (ARS WA5BXO) wrote:

I have heard rumors of a citation or two but only in extreme cases such as
10 or 20 KW PEP and I don't know if the rumors are true.

As I understand it the trick, that the FCC was to prevent, and someone was
trying to get away with, was to run a 304TL with about 100 Volts on the
plate in a GG configuration.  Forward bias it to a high plate current like 1
Amp, so that it acts like a switch that is on.  Then drive it with 5 KW PEP.
It may have been some other some scenario as this but I think you get the
picture. An Now, For Something Completely Different.
        Then there was the trick that a gentleman up in 3 land, I think, was
going to run the high level double sideband reduced carrier generator type
rig but he was not reducing the carrier just increasing the SBs via an extra
upside down tube, as it was commonly called.  The sideband power would
continue to go up without distortion (if copied on a proper synchronized
product detector) after the first tube was over modulated in the negative
direction. The voltage and power would be diverted to the upside down tube
where sideband power would continue.  There was trouble with the specific
rule interpretation at the time in the FCC. Of course any of us today, would
be able to see that the upside down tube's audio plate current and audio
voltage must also be counted as part of the input power.  But the FCC was
having trouble deciding, at least as I understand it.  At any rate, I think
they got him for being outside the 40 meter band limits.  You may remember
more of the specifics on this Don.
John, WA5BXO

Fred, I believe.  W3PHL.

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