It's interesting to see a groundswell of reaction to
how and what the League has concluded about Comments
filed regarding its Petition. 

There may soon be an extension of the public comment
window to accomodate folks like yourself who wish to
weigh in.

Now, regarding the "other" Petition in this
proceeding, RM-11305, cooked up by a seven-member
Communications Think Tank...
Todd had asked --

Paul, will the group involved with RM-11305 be filing
a reply as well?
It would be nice if some of the issues raised by those
who objected
could be addressed, bringing the proposal in line with
any appropriate
treaties, laws, promises, or whatever else.

Yes. Several of us, including myself, filed individual
Reply Comments offering a compromise that would
essentially take the more relaxed segments seen in the
IARU Region 2 Band Plan which was approved in 1998.

It would be short of allowing any vacant frequencies
to be free for all to use.

Happily this plan also already provides for slots
called "digimode" that could serve as incubation zones
for new digital schemes.

It baffles me why the group in Newington didn't think
of this, since the ARRL is the "member society" in the
IARU representing the U.S. They endorsed the plan !


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