Bob Peters wrote:

Ok Guys were is this Video???  Guess that I missed something..HI  !!!

Bob W1PE

yer always missing something Bob (except, like me, meals ;->)

so, here it is, Bob - just for you. (3 times - here, NOS, and personal e-mail)

Jim said:

Hi All,

 My son Paul just transferred the old SPAM (Society for the Preservation of
Amplitude Modulation) VHS video tape to a digital AVI file. This was
circulated to me by the late Floyd Dunlap, WA5TWF. The video was produced by
Dave Ramser KG6AB and Norm Scott WB6TRQ. This video was very well done. I
really enjoyed the interview with Mr. EF Johnson. My copy was on a 20 year
old tape recorded on low speed so the quality is a bit lacking, and a high
degree of video compression results in a noticeable lip-sync offset. I just
wish I had a better copy to digitize.

 This file is over 50 mega-bytes long, so a high speed connection is
required to download this file. It should open up with Real Player as-is if
it is your default viewer. If your preferred viewer is Media player, you
will need to download the DivX Codec to make that work. To install the Codec
for Windows
Media player, go to, download DivX play6.1, and then when
installing choose just the Codec. I use Firefox Mozilla as my browser, and
it allows me to download files to a specific directory. Depending on your
computer, and situation, it might be better to use a FTP program to download
this file like we do for BAMA.

If your interested, here is the link:

Note: This web space is only temporary, so if you want this file, don't wait
too long.

Jim Candela

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