John Lyles wrote:

I found a good link to 3 photos of the Wilcox TX RF deck. It is certainly not a 75 watt output rig. Thanks to AA9TT for posting these.

I didn't find the pictures in my search, and the modulators inside that narrow cabinet look like something much smaller than 450TH/L's...

I -did- find this post, though...  in (of all places) a QRP forum.


At 03:21 AM 2/28/97 +0000, you wrote:
/>Hey Jim: /
/> /
/>When were you in Japan? I was KA7RF 1965-1968....Itazuke AFB. /
/> /
/>73, Bob /
/>---------------------------------------------------------------- /
/>Bob Follett AB7ST, QRP-L # 129, NorCal, ARCI, 10-10, ARS /
/>2861 Estates Dr. VOICE: 801.649.6457 /
/>Park City, UT 84060 E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:%20QRP%20nonsence&[EMAIL PROTECTED]> /
/> /
/> /
Hi, Bob...

Yeah, but way before you. I was stationed at Tachikawa and lived at Yokota
between 1952 and 1954. I retired from the USAF in 1971.

While there, my transmitter was a Wilcox 96D, running a pair of 450TL's with
7000 volts on the plate (I won't discuss the power). The antenna was a
rhombic, three wire stacked, 90 feet in the air. In those days we could run
phone patches, and that was the only way most of the guys (and gals) could
afford to talk home. Long distance phone calls were expensive, and difficult.

I used to send CW traffic to a feller in Seattle, and he was so good that he would accept ten messages at a time before I would turn it over to him for a
QSL. He seldom asked for a repeat. I was using a bug. I usually sent about
100 messages per day. We didn't have recorders then, and he was copying on a

Phone was A.M., and the modulator was also a pair of 450TL's. My call was
KA2FC. In my apartment I had a National HRO receiver and a Johnson Viking
II. My amplifier was a home brew 304TH, if memory serves me. It required 21
amps on the filament. My call there was KA2JP.

NOW YOU KNOW WHY I ENJOY QRP!!! (Yes, I am shouting!)


Jim, K5ROV


73 = Best Regards,

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