You have an interesting point here John.

I don't know if I have access to enough "STUFF" to do a job like that, I am fairly isolated here on PEI.

It is almost better to find a Johnson Transmitter or something.

I AM going to try a 160 meter end fed Zepp to get some height and gain off my antenna.



John E. Coleman (ARS WA5BXO) wrote:
        I still say, forget the linear, and use less money to build a plate
modulator for the DX60.  It will work better, sound better, cost less, and
heat the shack up less. As I recall the DX 60 has a 6146 in the final for
class C CW and puts out about 40-50 watts of carrier if it were plate
modulated it would do at least 200 watts PEP and sound great.  There is a
number of different ways to do the modulator.  A lot of guys just find and
old PA and a transformer to match to the final.  Some build the modulator
output stages only, input XFMR tubes and modulation XFMR.  Then they drive
it with a small microphone amp.  That's more stuff to set around on the desk
but it works.  There are a lot of self contained 25 and 50 watt modulator
circuits around and probably a lot of complete one piece store bought
modulators as well.  As I recall, EICO had a pretty nice one that was to go
with the EICO model 720 but it was used on many different rigs as well as
being used as a driver for big modulators.  A buddy of mine had an ECIO 720
and built a nice home brewed modulator for it using 1625s in AB1. It sounded
real good.  I built one similar to it with less power output for my Knight
Kit T60.  The T60 had the same control carrier AM that the DX60 does.  What
a difference it made when it was plate modulated.  Very little modification
is necessary in the DX60 to accommodate the external modulator.

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