I am planning on using a pair of 807s and that was what the xfmr was picked
for. Both the power supply and modulator will be built with tubes, no solid
state in this project. Not that I have anything against solid state... some
of my best friends use solid state components. :-)

So I should just look at some of the tube audio sites and find a suitable
phase inverter circuit? I don't mind.. I was being lazy and hoping to just
find a proven design/schematic that I could copy.

I have some time too as I'm going to build the power supply first and get
the 6N2 restored and running on CW. Then I'll tackle the modulator.


Mark W1EOF

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mike Dorworth, K4XM [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Sunday, March 26, 2006 2:37 PM
> To: Discussion of AM Radio
> Subject: Re: [AMRadio] Modulator design needed
> 807 in class AB1 at 400 volts 36 watts, 500 volts 46 watts, 600 volts 56
> watts and 750 volts 72 watts.
> Usually subtract 10 to 15 percent for transformer losses etc.
>  Almost a perfect match for the 6N2 at any voltage used.. Mike

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