Mark - it sounds like you have a simmilar set-up to mine - DX100 
and SX101....
If I could only get around to finishing out the speech amp repairs!

On 31 Mar 2006 at 19:56, Mark K3MSB wrote:

> Hi All --
> I hope to be on 10 AM Saturday around 2 PM EST to about 5 PM EST.  
> This look good for some free time then.  Will be on 29.0.
> Jim --  I haven't worked on the RCA at all yet.  I'm trying to get the
> DX-100B back together and off the bench, then it's time to recap the
> SX-101A.  That should take me to summer, when I plan on hauling the
> RCA out onto the driveway for some serious cleaning.
> 73 Mark K3MSB

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