San Antonio has always been a 'retirement haven' for some military folk. As a result, a lot of residents are 'aged'.

Back when my Dad was the First Class FCC Phone (with Radar endorsement) Chief Engineer of KITE (930kHz then) the 'jocks' decided to play a joke. The very liked and popular AM Drive-time Tom and Duckie show, with Tom East and Duckie, a British immigrant who was popular because of the recent Beatles invasion. This was 1960's. Anyway, the morning show personalities were to be replaced, as it was announced on the afternoon program (forget who the DJ was then... Ricky Ware? Jud Ashomre?). Then, as the public became aware, and called in, Tom would announce, on the air, that no indeed, the MORNING show wasn't going anywhere, and in fact it was the afternoon show that was getting a replacement jock.

Back and forth this went on for 2 weeks, all the while announcing that the changes in staff personell would take place on 1 April. Don't know how many listeners 'got it', but the amount of call-in's proved that they were sure drawing an audience!

Of course, no one changed jobs ;-)

73 = Best Regards,

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