The Messenger I(the white face) as opposed to the "black face" or Messenger
II usually had the screen resistors lowered in value or "strapped out" with
wire. This shorted tube life. The "black face" came in a commerical version
that had a resistor left out in the power supply, allowing radio to put out
10-15 watts. I think both radios used the 7054 oscillator driving the 7061
                                  Joe W4AAB
----- Original Message -----
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, April 06, 2006 4:53 AM
Subject: [AMRadio] "white Faced Johnson"

> Mike/XU mentioned the Johnson Messenger. Yes, they
> were a hot ticket when I was on 11m as a kid in the
> 1960s. On the air they were known as the "White Faced
> Johnson" for the brushed aluminum front panel and
> square, breadbox styling. Who has a breadbox anymore?
> Well anyway, these could apparently be tweaked to
> 10-15 watts, excellent upgrade on its own or to drive
> a leen-yer.
> My "station" was a Shady O'Rack Americana 23-Plus,
> which had a "half channel" of 22A (which they
> helpfully pointed out was illegal for Class D 11 meter
> use in the U.S., thereby confirming it would work
> here), driving a Super Mag ground plane vertical. This
> was around a sunspot peak of some kind, and I did
> pretty well working dog X-Ray.
> By 1969 I had gone SWL, then into "ham" radio by late
> 1971 and never looked back. Only thing in common with
> those days is running AM and tweaking the technical
> side of the plant.
> Paul/VJB
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