----- Original Message -----
From: "Brian Sherrod"

> What does any of this K1MAN/W1AW stuff have to do with AM discussion?
> get back on track here folks.  I've already had two people leave the list
> today.

Plenty, if you ever had an AM QSO disrupted by the broadcasts of either of
these stations. Although the K1MAN matter may soon be a moot point, the W1AW
broadcasts are in the busiest parts of our phone bands. The League insists
on running their SSB broadcasts on 7290 kHz, which is a very popular AM
frequency on the East Coast and in the Midwest. K1MAN also tied up
frequencies in the busiest parts of the 20 and 75 meter bands.

As for people leaving...the last time I checked, this is still a free
country. Let them leave! And I still make my point: Broadcasting belongs in
the broadcast bands (Part 73), NOT in the amateur bands (Part 97).

Phil K2PG

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