The Belton Hamfest is typically a 2-day event, with lots of friendship and commraderie, not to mention BBQ on Friday and some early tailgating, followed by the hamfest early saturday morning.

Belton, TX is just south of Waco, in the vicinity of Temple, TX - south of Dallas, north of Austin.

Lots of people show up there, from New Mexico to Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana, to Mississippi. There's been ham plates spotted from as far away as California and Colorado. Everyone seems to have a good time. The event is held bi-annually, typically in April (this year the swapfest date is 22 April) and again in October.

I wont be there, ths year. Mike's rosary is Friday evening, and the funeral/burial is Saturday. Ham radio can take a back seat to honor my friend.

More information on the hamfest can be found at

BTW, I just noticed this, after verifying the address was correct, they've gone up 100% on the cost of admission. It's now $2.oo whole dollars! (smirk)

The New Old Stock (NOS) group (QCWA Chapter 207) is always well represented at Belton, and boat anchors and parts are always prevalent in that vicinity.

Just FYI

73 = Best Regards,

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