----- Original Message ----- 
From: "w2dgb" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, April 19, 2006 8:34 AM
Subject: Johnson Viking Ranger 1 PTT

> Hello to the list,
> My first posting to this list, which I have been following with much
> interest.
> My Viking 1 blew a fuse, and it is now on the bench. Replacing some
> caps...the usual stuff.  While it is laying there, out of the cabinet, I
> decided that now would be a good time to add PTT to the beastie.
> Simple...right?  Wrong.  Not so easy.
> So far I have the Johnson mod, and the one in ER 46.  Both have problems,
> although the ER ref is pretty good.  But what other options are available?
> Can anyone point me to other references?
> Many thanks for listening, and for whatever info you can send along,
> Fill Fizette  w2dgb  AWA  ARRL

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