From: "Brian Carling" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The power may not be wasted very much in the tuner, BUT
REFLECTED power goes back into the RF final and is disippated
in the famil amplifier device(s) - at least many people have
written articles for decades describing that marticular "myth"
or so-called "FALSE STATEMENT." I am not so sure it is false

That is a myth. The power that is not radiated by the antenna or burnt up as resistive loss in the wire, goes back to tank circuit of the transmitter, contributes to the circulating rf current in the tank circuit, and is re-reflected back to the antenna. It may take several oscillations back and forth before all the energy is dissipated, but it is eventually dissipated in the antenna as radiated power and in the wire as resistive loss, not in the final amplifier tubes. The standing waves can be thought of as circulating current on the feedline.

If the open wire line is left open with nothing connected, or if it is shorted, no rf escapes the feedline to excite an antenna. It is nearly all reflected back to the transmitter, and then back to the opposite end, until it is all dissipated as heat due to resistive losses. The current on the feeders, as measured with an rf ammeter, might be very high, but there is no radiation resistance or radiation. The rf ammeter may read seveal amperes while the final amp is dipped at resonance to near zero place current. There is very high circulating current in the tank circuit and the feeder, and at some points the voltage is very high - basically a Tesla coil, but negligible radiation.

The myth I have often heard is that the rf is delivered back to the final and is dissipated in the plates of the output tubes. That is not true. If the plates of the tubes glow, it is due to plate dissipation (DC input to the final minus the power delivered to the tank circuit). This dissipation is due to operating conditions of the tube, not rf power being reflected back into the tube.

Don k4kyv


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