Jim Wilhite says:
> I suppose there is a type of magic using a converted CB, but I would 
> probably find a Ranger, AF-67 or such to use.  It does have a bit more
> power 
> but that is a bit of a plus with the propagation of today.  One can also
> move to 15 meters with them which the CB would not do without extensive 
> modifications.

One man's "magic rig" is another man's dumpster destiny,
and another guy's dumpster-diving treasure!

Beauty is often in the eye of the beholder. Those who have 
never run a converted Johnson whiteface or chromefaced
rig on 10m AM will never know how much fun they are 

It is kind of like those who vehemently claim that 
"Ice cream is no good!" - while having never tasted 
any themselves - LOL!

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