On 6/6/06, W5OMR/Geoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Earlier, I was bidding on a 250TH on the 'e' place.  I've got 'some' but
you can never have too many spares. ;-)

Anyway, was outbid and I didn't persue it, but I did pass a warning on
to the winning bidder about letting the filament voltage warm the tube
up, and possibly chase the possibility of gassyness away from the tube,
before even a small amount of grid-drive is applied.

his reply was:

Thanks for the advice. I've had to do the same with 6146's that have sat
around awhile. I built a test rig to bias a tube and but(sic) some plate
current through it for the 6146's I'll likely do the same for the
100th's and 250th headed into a BC-610E under restoration here. Thanks
again for passing on the warning. Ham radio is really full of great people.


Pete Hamersma, WB2JWU

You're a good man and good sport Geoff...  I might have some 250th's
around here, but they are boxed up if I do, so will take me a month or
so ;) to find them.  If I find one (or two) with good filaments, I'll
send 'em your way.  In the meantime, if you come across a 750TH or TL,
I could use a good one here.

Brian / w5ami

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