Can someone help me keep tally on who wants what?  Please let me know

Everyone, please send your vote to list so we can all feel confident
in the final decision.  I say we close the poll by next Sunday, 18
June.  I can switch it back real quick or leave it like it is now.
It's up to y'all.  At that point, we will let this subject die once
and for all and keep it off the list, as I know it's not related to
AM, but hey, we have got to make this list work the way the majority
wants it and the only way to do that is discuss it for a short while.


 In a message dated 6/11/06 1:50:51 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I would ask the list members to voice their opinion on this option and
 lets set it once and for all, one way or the other.  I find it much
 more convenient to have it address the list when I hit reply myself.

 My vote is "to the person."

 Dennis D. W7QHO
 Glendale, CA

"There is nothing more uncommon than common sense." -- Frank Lloyd Wright

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