Paul -

SELLER - It's way too much work for guys like Don. He can send to multiple
lists using one email. With websites he'd need to login to each one, copy &
paste, etc, etc, etc. Then there's a matter of being considerate and
maintaining all those posts. He doesn't have to go back and email all of the
lists to let us know what was sold and what isn't. He would have to, or at
least should on website posts.

BUYER - I don't have time to go window shopping all around the net. If I'm
looking for a specific something then I do. But the majority of things I've
bought from Don (for instance) are because I became aware of them by reading
his emails. I read each and every one of Dons emails because I trust him as
one of the "good guys." I've always been very happy with the description,
price, packing, and the item coming from Don. So it's a great service to me
to get these emails from the "good guys".

That's my perspective.


Mark W1EOF

PS: It was questioned whether changing the subject line to reflect a new
topic is part of the rules of this list. If not, it should be. It's been
considered good etiquette since the beginning of the net (actually way
before the net, it goes back to the BBS days). It just makes sense. How many
time have you read a post whose subject line doesn't even remotely reflect
the body text. Makes it hard to do that initial message triage. :-)

> I would like to understand why it is easier to sell
> via the mailing lists, Don.
> Paul/VJB

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