Hello all,

Does anybody have a schematic for a piece of
communications gear mfd. by B&W for the govt?  It is a
TRV-4 XCVR, covers the aviation band in AM mode.  It
has a tunable RCVR, with a crystal controlled XMTR. 
While it doesn't look like a Gonset, it was similar
vintage, and since Gonset also made an aviation band
only XCVR, this one was lumped in a class where
everybody called it a "Gonset".  The contract number
for it was FA-1096, and was made in the 1950's.  I
will gladly pay for a copy of the manual or schematic
and all shipping charges.   BAMA, Hi-Manuals, W7FG,
and even Fair Radio have been no luck so far.

Thanks for any help, and email direct to me at


Charlie in NC.

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