never, never use peanuts on radio packaging!. 
newspaper and bubble wrap.  foam is good too.  
when a box is dammaged the peanuts fall out and there
goes your padding.  the rest is down hill from there. 
and newspaper absorbs water so I use that often.  

--- Rick Brashear <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I just got this little transceiver today (of course,
> it was in excellent 
> shape, so said the description) and UPS did a number
> on it.   So, I am 
> now in need of a meter (it works but the inner case
> is busted) a 
> "Transmit/Receive" knob or metal insert for the knob
> and a meter switch 
> knob, it was totally smashed.  Man, these guys at
> UPS must have played 
> soccer with this thing.  It was double boxed and had
> lots of peanuts 
> between the boxes plus bubble wrap and they still
> managed to bust it 
> up!  They are really good at what they do!  ;-)
> Oh, and all it does is BUZZ!  Volume down...  makes
> no difference.. so I 
> have yet another fix it project before I can play 6
> meter AM on a real  
> tube radio. 
> Thanks for any help with the parts...
> Rick
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