Ok so I found myself with out enough hardware. 

I have a 100K dual audio taper pot from Radio Shack and I lost the nut.  It
is one for mounting in a 5/16 hole so I assume it is a 5/16 treaded sleeve
with a 1/4 inch shaft but I can't find any hardware for it.

Now I could just go buy another pot with hardware but after looking I find
that I have other pots with no hardware and some of them are the same
sleeve.  I have hardware for the bigger pots.  I guess you might say the
standards.  Searching Google comes up with no hardware except for at
Electronic Goldmine, where I bough a bunch that are to large.  Who makes
this stuff, some far east company, and they secretly ship them to
Switchcraft and other manufactures of potentiometers.   

John, WA5BXO

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